The Achiever |
Assessment For: Joe Applicant Phone: 555-555-5555 Email: japplicant@some-isp.org
Position: Sales
Company: ABC Report Type: General
Assessment Date: 8/31/2006 For More Information Please Contact: Milt Cotter Candidate Resources, Inc. 2100 Highway 360 Suite 400-B Grand Prairie, TX 75050-1047 972-641-5494 x 199 mcotter@criw.com   |
Copyright© 1999-2008 Candidate Resources, Inc.
Name:Joe Applicant | Date:8/31/2006 | Company: ABC | Page:1 |
----- Mental Aptitudes ----- Mental Acuity ‚ƒ„…‘‡ˆ‰
Mr. Applicant is above-average in Mental Acuity, indicating he is a fast thinker with above-average comprehension skills. He has good reasoning and problem-solving capabilities and is able to deliberate and make appropriate decisions on more challenging issues. Business Terms ‚ƒ„…‘‡ˆ‰
Joe has an average understanding of business terminology obtained either on the job or in a business class. Memory Recall ‚ƒ„…†‡ˆ”
Mr. Applicant has a superior knowledge of events happening in the world around him and should be strongly aware of competitive trends, as well as the economy's affect on business. Vocabulary ‚ƒ„…†’ˆ‰
Mr. Applicant's language skills are above average, enabling him to communicate effectively. He is capable of highly complex interchanges and will exhibit confidence in his ability to interact with others. Numerical Perception ‚ƒ„…‘‡ˆ‰
Joe's average Numerical Perception score indicates that he can handle
moderate amounts of detail work, but his work should be monitored for accuracy. A vision
problem, tension, or carelessness may affect the Perception score.
Generally, he will pay close attention to his work and follow directions
carefully. |
Copyright© 1999-2008 Candidate Resources, Inc.
Name:Joe Applicant | Date:8/31/2006 | Company: ABC | Page:2 |
Mechanical Interest ‚ƒ…†‡ˆ‰
Joe shows some interest in machines and is probably willing to devote extra time to learn the technology used at work. Please note that this mental aptitude measures interest, not mechanical ability. ----- Personality Structure ----- Energy ‚ƒ…†‡ˆ‰
Mr. Applicant has a good level of energy and takes an energetic approach to work and other matters. He has a high drive level, but is generally able to control energy sufficiently to concentrate and accomplish assignments in a timely, yet effective manner. Flexibility Œ‚ƒ„…†‡ˆ‰
Joe is flexible, free-thinking, innovative and highly creative. He likes
to generate and implement new and exciting applications to existing products
or services, and may at times overlook quality control procedures or
company guidelines to meet deadlines more expediently. Since he can
easily adapt to change, he is able to respond to multiple demands or
assignments without becoming frustrated. However, his sense of integrity, compliance
and ethics may not be as high as desired, and it is important
that he know exactly what is expected of him, as well as how far
outside the boundaries he is allowed to go. If he understands the
rules and guidelines he must work within, the likelihood that he will
be careless and unfocused in his activities will be greatly reduced. Organization Œ‚ƒ„…†‡ˆ‰
Mr. Applicant does not place an emphasis on organization. He prefers to react to circumstances as they present themselves, and may not make good use of the time and resources he has available to reach organizational goals and priorities. Even though he can adapt to interruptions and deadline changes with ease, he can also easily lose sight of priorities. A high score in Mental Acuity may compensate for a low score in this dimension. Communication ‚ƒ„…†‡ˆ”
Joe is a very interactive communicator who seldom tires of sharing ideas and information with others. He may not listen to, or take seriously, what other people are saying, however. He comfortably articulates thoughts to people, genuinely enjoys being around people and would be unhappy working alone. |
Copyright© 1999-2008 Candidate Resources, Inc.
Name:Joe Applicant | Date:8/31/2006 | Company: ABC | Page:3 |
Emotional Dev ‚ƒ„†‡ˆ‰
Mr. Applicant has a good level of self-confidence and self-esteem, but not so much as to be unrealistic. He is willing to wait a reasonable time for results without becoming upset or frustrated. Assertiveness ‚ƒ„…†‡“‰
Joe is an authoritative, assertive individual who does not hesitate to express his own opinions and stand up for his beliefs. He likes control and responsibility, and will attempt to influence others and direct activities. Since he can forcefully express his opinions and viewpoints, he may appear overly aggressive and demanding, at times. Competitiveness ‚ƒ„…†’ˆ‰
Mr. Applicant has a strong competitive drive and desire to compete, and takes pride in winning. Although he will participate in a team competitive effort, he particularly enjoys situations which allow him to compete on his own. He will be a strong competitor, always prepared to meet or exceed his goals and win. Mental Toughness Œ‚ƒ„…†‡ˆ‰
Joe is a very sensitive individual who has a great deal of empathy for customers, co-workers and others. He likes to work in comfortable surroundings and prefers to avoid job situations which require that he work long hours to accomplish organizational objectives or meet critical deadlines. He is concerned about others and may allow his feelings to get in the way of good judgment. Questioning /Probing ‚Ž„…†‡ˆ‰
Joe is a trusting individual who accepts most instructions, directives and information at face value. Even though he usually exhibits a positive, enthusiastic attitude, he can allow others to take advantage of his good nature. If he does not always probe deeply enough into matters, he may be less-than-effective when faced with problem-solving or troubleshooting issues which need to be resolved. Motivation ‚ƒ„…†’ˆ‰
Being motivated by recognition for his achievements, Joe is willing to take risks if the potential for profit and recognition exists. He will also take quick, decisive personal action on important goals, work long hours and put forth extra effort if he believes rewards for doing so will be made available to him. |
Copyright© 1999-2008 Candidate Resources, Inc.
Name:Joe Applicant | Date:8/31/2006 | Company: ABC | Page:4 |
----- Validity Scales ----- Distortion ‚Ž„…†‡ˆ‰
Mr. Applicant is a secure person who is not afraid to admit his weaknesses. He is also good at assessing his strengths. He tends to be open and frank.
Equivocation ‚ƒ…†‡ˆ‰
He has scored within our acceptable equivocation range.
This report is confidential and is an opinion based on test results and other available data. In the selection process it may count up to one third (1/3) of the decision process along with the interview, reference check, education and experience. |
Copyright© 1999-2008 Candidate Resources, Inc.
Name:Joe Applicant | Date:8/31/2006 | Company: ABC | Page:5 |
Score Sheet
Mental Aptitudes |
| | |
MENTAL ACUITY | Slow Learn | X | Fast Learn |
BUSINESS TERMS | Uninformed | X | Knowledgeable |
MEMORY RECALL | Unaware | X | Aware |
VOCABULARY | Limited | X | Strong |
NUMERICAL PERCEPTION | Imprecise | X | Accurate |
MECHANICAL INTEREST | Indifferent | X | Interested |
Personality Dimensions |
| | |
ENERGY | Restless | X | Calm |
FLEXIBILITY | Flexible | X | Rigid |
ORGANIZATION | Disorganized | X | Planful |
COMMUNICATION | Reserved | X | Interactive |
EMOTIONAL DEV | Impatient | X | Tolerant |
ASSERTIVENESS | Cooperative | X | Authoritative |
COMPETITIVENESS | Team Player | X | Individualist |
MENTAL TOUGHNESS | Sensitive | X | Tough |
QUESTIONING /PROBING | Trusting | X | Skeptical |
MOTIVATION | Security | X | Recognition |
Validity Scales |
| | |
DISTORTION | Frank Answer | X | Exaggerates |
EQUIVOCATION | Choose Alter. | X | Choose Middle |
STANINE: The STANINE is a system of measurements which divides the population into nine parts. NOTE: Areas with dots and brackets ([........]) are of primary importance with the dots and brackets reflecting the most desirable range for an individual to score in to have those characteristics. Areas without dots and brackets are secondary areas that provide additional information regarding the individual. | AREAS OF CONCERN - | Scores of 1 OR 2 in any of the following dimensions: Energy, Flexibility, Emotional Development OR Mental Toughness are areas of concern. |
Copyright© 1999-2008 Candidate Resources, Inc.
Name:Joe Applicant | Date:8/31/2006 | Company: ABC | Page:6 |
Leadership Traits Assessment Introduction This report section evaluates Joe's traits in five key areas of leadership: - Planning
- Organizing
- Staffing
- Coaching
- Facilitating
Areas with good leadership traits are identified on the following pages as well as those where training or development would be beneficial. Joe may or may not be one of the better people employed in a specific organization. If Joe is a top performer in your organization, when compared to top performing leaders across America and Canada, this report segment may still highlight areas where development could make the individual a still better leader. Therefore, this Leadership Traits assessment should be reviewed in light of "what could make a good leader even better," with understanding that within human beings, there is always room for improvement. |
Copyright© 1999-2008 Candidate Resources, Inc.
Name:Joe Applicant | Date:8/31/2006 | Company: ABC | Page:7 |
Leadership Potential Summary Report for: Joe Applicant
Joe has good leadership potential in the following area(s):
Joe's Training & Development Needs are:
- Planning - learn how to better plan and organize required job functions, activities and requirements.
- Organizing - learn how to organize and make better use of time and assets required to successfully perform the job or job requirements.
- Staffing - learn how to make better staffing selections as well as how to train, motivate and lead others.
- Coaching - learn how to better lead others to achieve what they are capable of as well as fulfilling the requirements of the job or job functions.
Copyright© 1999-2008 Candidate Resources, Inc.
Name:Joe Applicant | Date:8/31/2006 | Company: ABC | Page:8 |
Sales Traits Assessments Introduction
This report section evaluates Joe's traits in key areas of sales: - Persistence and consistency
- Ability to meet and communicate effectively with people
- Ability to command respect
- Setting goals to win, excel and achieve
- Developing rapport
- Identifying need or desire
- Presenting product/service to fill prospect's needs
- Dealing with objections
- Closing the sale
- Learning speed & efficiency
- Changing, growing and learning new concepts and ideas
Areas with good sales traits are highlighted with traits identified in which training or development would be beneficial. Joe may or may not be one of the better people employed in a specific organization. If Joe is a top performer in your organization, when compared to top performing salespeople across America and Canada, this report segment may still highlight areas where development could make the individual a still better salesperson. Therefore, this Sales Traits Assessment should be reviewed in light of "what could make a good salesperson even better," with understanding that within human beings, there is always room for improvement. |
Copyright© 1999-2008 Candidate Resources, Inc.
Name:Joe Applicant | Date:8/31/2006 | Company: ABC | Page:9 |
Sales Potential Summary Report for: Joe Applicant
Joe has good sales potential. Strengths Include:
- Learning speed and Efficiency
- Ability to meet and communicate effectively with people
- Ability to command respect
- Setting goals to win, excel and achieve
- Changing, growing and learning new concepts and ideas
- Developing Rapport
- Identifying need or desire
- Presenting Product/Service to fill prospect's needs
- Dealing with objections
- Closing the sale
Yet, further development in the following critical area(s) will be beneficial:
- Persistence and Consistency
Copyright© 1999-2008 Candidate Resources, Inc.
Name:Joe Applicant | Date:8/31/2006 | Company: ABC | Page:10 |
Interview Questions Introduction
Following are the interview questions which an interviewer may choose to use in the candidate interview process.
These interview questions are generated to establish basic traits critical for all employees.
The interview questions that follow are for a candidate who has prior work experience. In the event the candidate does not have prior work experience, the questions may need to be modified by the interviewer to fit the situation. |
Copyright© 1999-2008 Candidate Resources, Inc.
Name:Joe Applicant | Date:8/31/2006 | Company: ABC | Page:11 |
Interview Questions for Flexibility Flexibility - Measurement of the individual's level of flexibility, creativity, integrity and adaptability to change.
---------x---------- | ---------x---------- | ---------x---------- | ---------x---------- | ---------x---------- | Very strong evidence skill is not present | Strong evidence skill is not present | Some evidence skill is present | Strong evidence skill is present | Very strong evidence skill is present |
| Probes | Interpretive Guides | Tell me about the last creative project or assignment you handled. Were you given guidelines to follow while working on the assignment, or did you have total control? Did you follow the guidelines exactly, or improvise? | Did the candidate show initiative in his/her actions? Did the candidate analyze the situation and take appropriate steps to complete the assignment? | Tell me about a time in a previous job when you were asked to do something unethical. How did you handle the matter? | Did the candidate take a firm stand on personal values and principles? Did the candidate take appropriate, mature action? Did the candidate exhibit good judgment in the method in which he or she handled the situation? Was there any indecision on the part of the candidate? | Describe how you handled an assignment which you were expected to complete on an expedient basis with little or no direction. | Was the candidate's action based on sound judgment? Did the candidate make quick decisions based on a quick review of the facts and basic knowledge of the process? | Give me an example of a time you were faced with a change at work which directly affected you, yet you were given no opportunity to express your opinion about it. Was it more difficult for you to adapt to that change than one in which your input was considered? | Given the circumstances, was the candidate's hesitancy to accept the change appropriate? Does the candidate appear bitter or angry about the change? Did the candidate mention other changes which he or she more readily accepted? Are the candidate's expectations of change reasonable and in line with those of the company? |
Copyright© 1999-2008 Candidate Resources, Inc.
Name:Joe Applicant | Date:8/31/2006 | Company: ABC | Page:12 |
Interview Questions for Organization Organization - Measurement of the individual's desire to organize assignments and projects to better utilize time and resources.
---------x---------- | ---------x---------- | ---------x---------- | ---------x---------- | ---------x---------- | Very strong evidence skill is not present | Strong evidence skill is not present | Some evidence skill is present | Strong evidence skill is present | Very strong evidence skill is present |
| Probes | Interpretive Guides | Tell me about a time you missed a deadline, were late for a meeting or experienced other problems because you did not plan well enough in advance. | Was the candidate on time for this interview? If not, was the excuse justifiable? Does it appear the candidate learned from the experience he or she described in this first question? | Describe how you typically kept yourself organized, and prioritized tasks in your former position. Did you use any planning tools to help keep yourself organized and if so, what were they? | Does the candidate have specific steps he or she takes to stay organized? Does the candidate appear to understand how to prioritize tasks? Does the candidate use planning tools to help stay organized, i.e., a daily planner, computerized schedule, etc? | Tell me about a time, in a previous job, when your ability to "wing it" saved a project from failure. What would the outcome have been had you not been able to improvise? | Has the candidate been able to capitalize on his or her ability to improvise? Does the candidate appear to understand the importance of planning, yet also have the ability to be flexible and change plans, when necessary? Does it appear the candidate takes pride in his or her ability to "change horses in mid-stream?" Is the candidate sharp enough to keep priorities in his or her head without losing sight of them? | Describe your office or work area in your former job. Was everything neatly put in place, or did you tend to function better in chaotic surroundings? | Is the candidate fairly tidy, or does the candidate thrive on chaos and disarray? How important is tidiness in this position? Will others come into or see the candidate's office or work area, or is it secluded? |
Copyright© 1999-2008 Candidate Resources, Inc.
Name:Joe Applicant | Date:8/31/2006 | Company: ABC | Page:13 |
Interview Questions for Communication Communication - Measurement of the individual's ability to communicate and willingness to share knowledge and team with others to achieve common goals.
---------x---------- | ---------x---------- | ---------x---------- | ---------x---------- | ---------x---------- | Very strong evidence skill is not present | Strong evidence skill is not present | Some evidence skill is present | Strong evidence skill is present | Very strong evidence skill is present |
| Probes | Interpretive Guides | Describe a circumstance in a prior job when you or a team member failed to listen attentively and problems arose due to misunderstandings. | Does the candidate have a firm understanding of the importance of listening? During the interview, did the candidate interrupt or appear to not listen to what you were saying? Does the candidate appear enthusiastic and positive, or just loud and boisterous? | Tell me about the most difficult person you've ever dealt with in trying to build rapport. How did you finally break through and get to know that person? | Does the candidate appear to have a skill in developing rapport with strangers? Is the candidate interesting and someone who exhibits interest in others? | Give me an example of a time when someone warned you not to talk so much. How have you learned to control your high level of sociability? | Is the candidate willing to admit that at some time in the past, he or she has been cautioned about talking too much? Does it appear that this is still a problem with the candidate? | Tell me about your communication style. How have you made it serve you? Would you change or improve on your ability to communicate if it were possible? | Does the candidate understand his or her own communication style? Does this style fit into the corporate culture of the company? Does the candidate feel any need to change or improve on his or her communication skills? Are these desired changes logical, mature and do they show good judgment? |
Copyright© 1999-2008 Candidate Resources, Inc.
Name:Joe Applicant | Date:8/31/2006 | Company: ABC | Page:14 |
Interview Questions for Assertiveness Assertiveness - Measurement of the individual's cooperativeness versus the tendency to be opinionated. Also measures the person's ability to take charge, direct others or handle confrontations.
---------x---------- | ---------x---------- | ---------x---------- | ---------x---------- | ---------x---------- | Very strong evidence skill is not present | Strong evidence skill is not present | Some evidence skill is present | Strong evidence skill is present | Very strong evidence skill is present |
| Probes | Interpretive Guides | Assertive people sometimes like to "debate" simply for the enjoyment. Tell me about a time when you "debated" an issue at work in which you took the less popular stand and persuaded others to change their minds. | Did the candidate debate an issue which was really not important to him or her? Does it appear that the candidate enjoys "arguing" simply for the sake of "arguing?" Does it appear the candidate is impetuous? | Give me an example of a time you were asked to do something with which you especially disagreed. How did you handle the situation? If you had the chance, would you handle the situation differently? | Does the candidate have a clear understanding of the situation? Does it appear the candidate is willing to compromise, or does the candidate appear to be hardheaded? Is the candidate defensive of his or her position? Does the candidate raise his or her voice when describing situations? | Tell me about a time when you allowed your dominance to get out of control and it caused problems. How would you handle the situation differently? | Dominant people, at some time or another, allow their dominance to get out of control. Does the candidate deny this has ever been a problem? Does the candidate appear overly defensive and place blame on others? | What do you believe is the difference between being submissive, assertive or aggressive. Tell me about a time you were aggressive when you meant to be assertive. How do you believe the outcome would have differed had you been assertive, rather than aggressive? | Does the candidate understand the difference between being assertive and being overly aggressive? Does the candidate admit to being aggressive and if so, does it appear the candidate understands the weakness of this personality trait? |
Copyright© 1999-2008 Candidate Resources, Inc.
Name:Joe Applicant | Date:8/31/2006 | Company: ABC | Page:15 |
Interview Questions for Competitiveness Competitiveness - Measurement of the individual's desire to compete against others and win, versus desire to work as part of a team.
---------x---------- | ---------x---------- | ---------x---------- | ---------x---------- | ---------x---------- | Very strong evidence skill is not present | Strong evidence skill is not present | Some evidence skill is present | Strong evidence skill is present | Very strong evidence skill is present |
| Probes | Interpretive Guides | Tell me about the toughest job situation you've encountered which involved not only you, but other people. What role did you play in resolving the problem? | Did the part the candidate played in resolving the problem exhibit good team work? Did the candidate exhibit good leadership skills and take appropriate action? | Describe the highest goal you have ever set for yourself and reached. How did reaching that goal affect you? | Was the goal an obvious "stretch" for the candidate? Did the candidate exhibit perseverence in reaching the goal? | Give an example of a time when you felt it was easier to do everything yourself, rather than teach or depend on others to help you. Do you usually feel this way? If so, why? | Does the candidate admit to being someone who believes "no one can do anything as well as he/she?" Does it appear the candidate can also work as part of a team? Look for words indicating team spirit, i.e., "we" and "our team," as opposed to "I" and "me." | Tell me about the last time you competed for something and lost. How did that make you feel and what, if anything, would you do differently if you were in that same situation in the future? | Does the candidate appear to be resentful over the loss? Does it appear the candidate can take criticism and failure in stride, or does the candidate become discouraged? Did the candidate appear to learn anything from this experience |
Copyright© 1999-2008 Candidate Resources, Inc.
Name:Joe Applicant | Date:8/31/2006 | Company: ABC | Page:16 |
Interview Questions for Mental Toughness Mental Toughness - Measurement of the individual's ability to work long hours in a high-pressure environment meeting critical deadlines, as well as the individual's sensitivity and ability to exhibit empathy towards others.
---------x---------- | ---------x---------- | ---------x---------- | ---------x---------- | ---------x---------- | Very strong evidence skill is not present | Strong evidence skill is not present | Some evidence skill is present | Strong evidence skill is present | Very strong evidence skill is present |
| Probes | Interpretive Guides | Tell me about a time you became very disappointed or discouraged in your past job. What caused these feelings and how did you get past them? | Does it appear the candidate is easily discouraged or disappointed? What coping skills did the candidate exhibit in order to deal with this situation? Is this type of scenario likely to occur in the position for which the candidate is applying? | Describe a time, in a prior job, when you were unjustly criticized. What were the circumstances and how did you react? | Can the candidate handle criticism appropriately? Were the steps the candidate took when unjustly criticized mature and appropriate? Does the candidate appear to understand the difference between constructive criticism and non-constructive criticism? | Tell me about the most unpleasant work environment you've been in thus far. What made the working environment so unpleasant? | Was the work environment unpleasant because of certain people, or because of surroundings, i.e., temperature, lack of privacy, etc.? Are these environmental factors present in this position? Is the candidate capable of dealing with a moderate amount of unpleasantries? | Tell me about a time when you allowed emotions to play too large a part in a decision you made at work. What was the outcome of the decision? What did you learn from this experience? | Does it appear the candidate is overly emotional? Does the candidate understand the problems associated with making decisions based too much on emotion? Was the candidate able to resolve the problem and if so, were the steps he or she took appropriate, logical and mature? |
Copyright© 1999-2008 Candidate Resources, Inc.
Name:Joe Applicant | Date:8/31/2006 | Company: ABC | Page:17 |
Interview Questions for Questioning/Probing Questioning/Probing - Measurement of the individual's desire to question and probe, rather than accept instructions, directives and information at face value.
---------x---------- | ---------x---------- | ---------x---------- | ---------x---------- | ---------x---------- | Very strong evidence skill is not present | Strong evidence skill is not present | Some evidence skill is present | Strong evidence skill is present | Very strong evidence skill is present |
| Probes | Interpretive Guides | Tell me about the last time in a job situation you made the wrong decision. What prompted you to make this decision and what was the final outcome? | Did the candidate learn from his or her mistake? Does the candidate now understand what caused the mistake in order to avoid making the same error again? Was the candidate able to rectify the mistake in such a manner that the outcome was acceptable? | Tell me what steps you took to gather information needed to solve problems in your last job. | Does the candidate appear to understand how to gather information? Does the candidate have specific steps he or she takes in order to gather information, or is the process more haphazard? | Describe a time when you trusted someone in your last job and should not have. What were the circumstances and what was the outcome? Has that situation changed your outlook on life? | Did the candidate exhibit gullibility and too much trust in the other person? Does the candidate appear to understand the need to be cautiously trusting? Does it appear the situation has unnecessarily jaded the candidate's outlook and attitude about life? | We all assume more than we should, from time to time. Tell me about a time when you assumed too much and problems arose due to your not asking enough questions. | Does it appear the candidate is overly assuming? Since assuming people can sometimes tell more than they should, did the candidate talk extensively about personal matters which had little relevance to the interview or job? |
Copyright© 1999-2008 Candidate Resources, Inc.
Name:Joe Applicant | Date:8/31/2006 | Company: ABC | Page:18 |
Interview Questions for Motivation Motivation - Measurement of the individual's achievement orientation and internal motivation to initiate changes and take risks in order to advance.
---------x---------- | ---------x---------- | ---------x---------- | ---------x---------- | ---------x---------- | Very strong evidence skill is not present | Strong evidence skill is not present | Some evidence skill is present | Strong evidence skill is present | Very strong evidence skill is present |
| Probes | Interpretive Guides | In your prior job, what was the biggest change you were faced with and how did you adapt to that change? | Does the candidate seem to thrive on change? Does it appear the candidate has good skills to cope with change? | Give me an example of a time you took a risk and won. How did your accomplishment make you feel? How do you believe you would have felt if you had taken that risk and failed? | Is the candidate a big risk taker? Does it appear the risks the candidate has taken are reasonable and calculated, or does the candidate appear to be somewhat impetuous? Does it appear the candidate is able to accept occasional failure? | Other than money, describe what really motivated you in prior jobs to do more than you were expected to do. | Does the candidate appear to understand what motivates him or her and if so, are these factors reasonable and available in this position? | What type of compensation plan have you most enjoyed in the past - straight salary, commission only, draw plus, etc. What most attracts you to this type of compensation plan? | In this position, will the candidate be on the same type compensation plan as the one he or she most enjoyed in the past. If not, could the compensation plan be structured to better meet the candidate's needs? |
Copyright© 1999-2008 Candidate Resources, Inc.
Name:Joe Applicant | Date:8/31/2006 | Company: ABC | Page:19 |
Development Suggestions Introduction
The behavior of each individual is influenced by genetics, biochemistry and environment. The individual's scores related in this assessment depict the individual as of the date and time the individual took the assessment.
Major changes in biochemistry and/or environment can change the scores on the assessment. Effective training and/or development that the individual is exposed to can and should also affect scores.
Consequently, for those individuals who seek to achieve higher levels of productivity and success in their jobs and life, and for those employers who desire such for the people they employ, we have carefully reviewed the training and development materials available in the marketplace and have selected for recommendation those that we deem appropriate to suggest in areas where the person assessed could benefit most from growth and development.
We trust that you will find these suggestions helpful. |
Copyright© 1999-2008 Candidate Resources, Inc.
Name:Joe Applicant | Date:8/31/2006 | Company: ABC | Page:20 |
Personal Development Suggestions Flexibility
If your work requires interaction with others, your flexibility level may be affecting those relationships. You may benefit from the following development suggestions:
Seminars / Workshops:
- Models for Management ™ by Teleometrics International
Self-paced e-Learning: - Models for Management - Module 6: Empowerment should be of particular interest for those wanting to explore how flexibility or lack thereof relates to the empowerment of others and power dynamics.
Copyright© 1999-2008 Candidate Resources, Inc.
Name:Joe Applicant | Date:8/31/2006 | Company: ABC | Page:21 |
Personal Development Suggestions Organization
When working with others, your organizational preferences level may be affecting how effectively you work them. You may benefit from the following development suggestions.
Self-paced e-Learning: - Effective Personal Productivity - Lesson 1: The Nature of Productivity.
- Effective Personal Productivity - Lesson 2: Goals Achievement Through Time Management
Copyright© 1999-2008 Candidate Resources, Inc.
Name:Joe Applicant | Date:8/31/2006 | Company: ABC | Page:22 |
Personal Development Suggestions Communication
If your work requires significant interaction with others, your communication style may be affecting your effectiveness. Development of a more productive communication style may greatly increase your success. You may benefit from the following development suggestions:
Seminars / Workshops:
- Models for Management ™ by Teleometrics International
Self-paced e-Learning: - Models for Management - Module 3: Communication and Interpersonal should be of particular interest for those wanting to explore communication style and it's impact on others.
- Effective Personal Productivity - Lesson 4: Improving productivity through communication
Copyright© 1999-2008 Candidate Resources, Inc.
Name:Joe Applicant | Date:8/31/2006 | Company: ABC | Page:23 |
Personal Development Suggestions Assertiveness
When interacting with others in your work, your assertiveness level can dramatically impact these relationships. You may benefit from the following development suggestions:
Seminars / Workshops:
- Models for Management ™ by Teleometrics International
Self-paced e-Learning: - Models for Management - Module 3: Communication and Interpersonal Relationships should be of particular interest for those wanting to explore how assertiveness or lack thereof relates to communication style and effective relationships.
- Models for Management - Module 6: Empowerment should be of particular interest for those wanting to explore how assertiveness or lack thereof relates to the sharing of power and power dynamics.
Copyright© 1999-2008 Candidate Resources, Inc.
Name:Joe Applicant | Date:8/31/2006 | Company: ABC | Page:24 |
Personal Development Suggestions Competitiveness
When working with others, your competitive level may be influencing how effective you are in your relationships. You may benefit from the following development suggestions:
Seminars / Workshops:
- Models for Management ™ by Teleometrics International
Self-paced e-Learning: - Effective Personal Productivity - Lesson 5: Empowering the Team
Copyright© 1999-2008 Candidate Resources, Inc.
Name:Joe Applicant | Date:8/31/2006 | Company: ABC | Page:25 |
Personal Development Suggestions Question/Probing
When interacting with others in a work environment, consider how your questioning/probing level may affect these relationships. You may benefit from the following development suggestions:
Seminars / Workshops:
- Models for Management ™ by Teleometrics International
Self-paced e-Learning: - Models for Management - Module 3: Communication and Interpersonal Relationships should be of particular interest for those wanting to explore how questioning/probing relates to communication style and effective relationships.
Copyright© 1999-2008 Candidate Resources, Inc.
Name:Joe Applicant | Date:8/31/2006 | Company: ABC | Page:26 |
Personal Development Suggestions Motivation
When working with others, how you are personally motivated may be affecting the results you are achieving. You may benefit from the following development suggestions:
Seminars / Workshops:
- Models for Management ™ by Teleometrics International
Self-paced e-Learning: - Models for Management - Module 4: Work Motivation should be of particular interest for those wanting to explore more effective ways of dealing with motivation in the work environment.
Copyright© 1999-2008 Candidate Resources, Inc.
Name:Joe Applicant | Date:8/31/2006 | Company: ABC | Page:27 |
Personal Development Suggestions Flexibility - Measures the flexibility and integrity orientation of the person compared to rules, laws, guidelines, etc.
You are a highly flexible individual who adapts easily to change and is able to handle a multitude of different demands or assignments. You are a free-thinker who likes to generate different ways of accomplishing objectives, as well as new ideas. Being flexible, however, you do not like someone else telling you what to do or how to do it, especially if you are under pressure and deadlines. Since you may, at times, sacrifice quality in order to get the job done, it is important that you understand the reasons behind rules and guidelines. If you understand the boundaries you must work within, you will be more likely to stay focused on your goals. Your self-affirmation sentence: "I am flexible, but will work within necessary boundaries." Steps to Effect Change - You will be more willing to adhere to certain policies, procedures, practices and regulations if you "buy" into them. To accomplish this, you must understand the reasons behind the rules in order to see how they will ultimately benefit you.
- From a career or leisure activity standpoint, you should seek activities which allow you the freedom to make your own decisions and avoid rigid, rule-oriented settings.
- You should maintain an attitude of working to always follow through on what you say, or commit yourself to, without vacillating.
- Disciplining yourself through controls such as developing and sticking to a budget, keeping a list of things you must accomplish each day, etc., will ensure you are not overly lenient and liberal with yourself.
Copyright© 1999-2008 Candidate Resources, Inc.
Name:Joe Applicant | Date:8/31/2006 | Company: ABC | Page:28 |
Personal Development Suggestions Organization - Measures a person's attitude about organization, planning, how tasks are performed and how one's life is lived.
Planning your time and activities in advance does not come naturally to you. Since your plans are not always thorough, you may not take full advantage of the time and resources you have available to you to reach goals and objectives. A high score in Mental Acuity may help you compensate for a low score in this dimension. Your self-affirmation sentence: "I am organized in my life so I achieve more." Steps to Effect Change - Good time and space management calls for a specific activity plan to identify priorities by the day or week. For sixty days, list daily plans on paper, then mentally list the six most important things to be done the following day, ranking them by priority, and the time allotted to each item. You will then have a good grasp of what must be done, prior to beginning each day.
- To avoid losing track of important details you might need for certain tasks, such as filing your income tax, good recordkeeping is mandatory. Select a certain place to keep important records and discipline yourself to always put important papers in that one location.
- Daily, weekly and monthly planning - even yearly planning - will help keep you on an organized and productive basis. Set goals and reach them.
- Avoid any distractions which take you off track. If necessary, tell people around you what you are attempting to accomplish, so you will be less likely to be interrupted.
Copyright© 1999-2008 Candidate Resources, Inc.
Name:Joe Applicant | Date:8/31/2006 | Company: ABC | Page:29 |
Personal Development Suggestions Communication - Measures introversion vs. extroversion and the ability to meet and deal with people.
You are a very interactive communicator who seldom tires of sharing ideas and information with others. You may not listen to, or take seriously, what other people are saying, however. You comfortably articulate thoughts to people, genuinely enjoy being around people and would be unhappy working alone. Your self-affirmation sentence: "I listen well." Steps to Effect Change - Your priority is to learn not to be overly talkative at any time, especially at the wrong time.
- Role playing can take place to stress the need for allowing
others to take their turn communicating. An overly talkative individual should especially take heed not to divulge confidential information to others.
- People who are too sociable can over talk at the expense of others and true communication can suffer because of it. When in a discussion with someone, periodically ask yourself if you are responding to everything the other person is saying with a "story" of your own. If you are, there's a good chance you're thinking about what you want to say next, rather than really listening to what the other person is saying.
- Pay close attention to your actions to see if you find yourself interrupting others or monopolizing the conversation. One clue that you are not a good listener is when misunderstandings frequently occur when the other person says they told you something, but you don't remember. Developing good listening skills begins by admitting that such skills are needed.
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